
A Whole New Beginning

If you’ve ever found yourself knee-deep in moving boxes, wrapping breakables in bubble wrap, and wondering why in the world you own so many T-shirts, then you know a thing or two about the thrills and spills of moving. The good, the bad, the “why did I ever keep this?!”—it’s all part and parcel of embarking on a fresh chapter.

Now, imagine this scenario, but in the digital world, with blog posts instead of boxes and lines of code instead of bubble wrap. You got it, folks! I’ve been elbows deep in my digital moving process, transitioning my older blog posts to my new, sleek, and dare I say, impressive site.

While some might shudder at the prospect of sifting through years of blog posts, I see it as a kind of treasure hunt. And like any good treasure hunt, you find a collection of “old gold”—those posts that bring a smile to your face or a “hmm” to your lips. Those golden nuggets of ideas, thoughts, musings, and explorations of the scientific and tech world that I had almost forgotten about.

Let me assure you, those ‘gold nuggets’ are finding a new home on my page. They’re being polished, given a fancy new coat of formatting, and being placed carefully into my digital vault.

What’s a New Home Without New Furnishings?

In addition to relocating my older posts, I’m thrilled to share that I’ve been conjuring up a smorgasbord of new content. Yes, your digital palate is in for a real treat! I’ve been brewing a potent blend of data, tech, and science, peppered with the latest trends and advancements.

If you’re wondering what to expect, let me give you a sneak peek. Ever wondered how catalyst design could shape our future? Or perhaps you’re curious about the ways machine learning is revolutionizing data analysis in the scientific community? Maybe you’re just looking for some tips on Python programming or IT troubleshooting? I’ve got you covered.

For the fans of my Powerlifting and CrossFit journeys, rest assured those posts are not only being moved but also expanded. Who knows? You might find a few posts about the parallels between weightlifting and data analysis!

In essence, this moving process symbolizes not just a change of digital scenery, but a rejuvenation, a reboot—a whole new beginning.

Stay tuned for the ride—it’s going to be entertaining, engaging, and packed full of everything you’ve enjoyed and much, much more.

Bear with me through this transition and pardon the digital dust. Soon, this new site will feel just like home—full of fond old memories and sparking with the promise of exciting new ones.

Let’s step into this whole new beginning, together.

Thank you for being part of my journey.

Till next time,

Jordan Mershimer

P.S. If you stumble upon a moving box that I’ve forgotten, feel free to reach out. The world of code and tech can sometimes be as slippery as a box of packing peanuts!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.